November 2022
Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 2nd November 2022 at 7pm in the Village Hall.
Present: Cllrs S. Hudson (Chairman); S. Howdin, B. Moor, T. Robinson and S. Bedford.
In attendance: District Cllrs O. Bierley; the Clerk.
1. Co-option of Councillor: Interest had been shown but the resident was not in attendance.
2 Apologies for absence and reasons given: Cllrs J Hoyle, C. Read (work). This being Cllr Hoyle’s third missed meeting 6 month disqualification would apply but council resolved to accept his apologies due to exceptional circumstances.
3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011: None
4. To approve the Minutes of the last meeting held on 7th September 2022: The minutes were signed as a true record.
5. Chairman & Council's comments: Cllr Moor has spoken with the nursing home re fencing and been assured that this is to be repaired/replaced. General tidying up has already begun. The chairman reported that the dog bin has been replaced and that a resident has treated the trail boards as they are not weathering well. Another coat of oil is to be applied.
6. Clerk's Report on matters outstanding: Nothing to report.
7. LCC Report: Cllr Smith not in attendance.
8. WLDC Report: Cllr Bierley's report was circulated prior to the meeting. A new police inspector has been appointed based at Gainsborough. Think Local campaign to be relaunched. Cllr Bierley felt this may be of interest to the village shop and pub. An emerging priority from the budget consultation meetings has highlighted the need to invest more in response to enforcement, both planning and fly tipping issues.
Following discussion at the last meeting Cllr Bierley has enquired about Conservation Area reviews. These are not being undertaken as should have been but he has tried to get prioritisation for Great Limber based on increase to visitor economy. However, the parish council will need to take the lead. Agenda
Also, not all listed buildings in the village have photographs on the Heritage England website. Cllr Bierley suggested council also take the lead in this. However, the clerk raised concerns about sensitivities with private ownership. Agenda
No progress has been made on a reciprocal arrangement re recycling centres as discussed previously.
9. Finance: to approve accounts:
Resolved to pay: H Pitman £531.93; AJ Williams £504; Creative Nature £1998; £59.95 (oil for boards).
10. Planning: To comment on any applications received: None.
11. Update on highways issues: Drains on Brickyard near St Peter’s Close and Grasby Road now cleared. However, A18 by Town End House still not done. Flooding across the road due to blocked drain outside nos 6 and 8 Brickyard to be reported.
12. To discuss & resolve on cutting back vegetation on footways: Resolved to accept quote of £1450.
13. To resolve on grass tender for 2023: Contractor needs to revise due to increased energy costs. Council very happy with their work and reliability. Resolved to accept £2880.
14. To discuss & resolve on budget for 2023: Council accepted the figures prepared by the clerk and agreed to continue with algae maintenance at the pond next year. Resolved to increase precept by 5% to £10,500. This equates to an increase of £6.22 per annum/less than 12pence per week for Band D properties/pro rat for other bands.
The meeting closed at 8.06pm
Dates of meetings in 2023: 11th Jan; 1st March; 10th May; 5th July; 6th Sept; 1st Nov.