July 2022
Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 6th July 2022 at 7pm in the Village Hall.
Present: Cllrs S. Hudson (Chairman); S. Howdin, N. Hunton, T. Robinson, B. Moor, S. Bedford.
In attendance: District Cllr O. Bierley, County Cllr T. Smith; the Clerk.
1. Apologies for absence and reasons given: Cllrs, J Hoyle and C. Read (work).
2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011: None
3. To approve the Minutes of the last meeting held on 4th May 2022: The minutes were signed as a true record.
4. Chairman & Council's comments: Further to item 16 at the last meeting, Cllr Hunton stated that the existing Neighbourhood Plan is in line with the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan and that council needed to look further at roads; bus service; pthways, byways and PRoW (clerk to apply for a parish map showing the PRoWs ie public rights of way); future development; village facilities. Agenda
Cllr Hunton’s suggestion re the bus service has already been raised with Stagecoach and dismissed Clrrs Smith and Bierley support council but are unsure how this can be taken forward given Stagecoach/LCC’s intransigence.
Cllr Bierley suggested council undertake a survey to gauge use of a potential service by residents, particularly with regard to accessing the proposed medical facilities at Keelby.
5. Clerk's Report on matters outstanding: No progress has been made with flooding issues on Brickyard, Swallow Road and A18 despite both the clerk and Cllr Smith reporting them to LCC highways for action.
Request for payment of the West Lindsey grant was submitted on 5th May but went missing. She chased last week and the money should now be in the account.
Cllr Bedford and Moor asked to sign new code of conduct form to be sent to WLDC.
6. LCC Report: Cllr Smith said he continues to press on a reciprocal arrangement for use of waste disposal sites between LCC and North East Lincolnshire which is now even more essential due to increase fuel costs.
7. WLDC Report: Cllr Bierley's report was circulated prior to the meeting. District Council budget consultations are about to start.
8. Finance: to approve accounts: The clerk confirmed that audit papers have been returned to the external auditor and the audit is now closed. She has reclaimed £910 VAT on 1st July.
Accounts for payment: Resolved to pay: H Pitman £541.43; AJ Williams £1176; Cassells Ltd £78; ICO £40.
9. Planning: To comment on any applications received: None.
10. Update on highways issues following walkabout with Cllr Smith: The chairman advised that further reduction of the speed limit on the A18 be put to bed following the response from LCC that it would be a breach of criteria. Cllr Smith confirmed that signage to stop vehicles exiting Church Lane onto the A18 is in hand at LCC but may take time to process as there is a backlog.
11. To ratify payment of £50 towards the village jubilee celebrations: Council resolved to pay £50 to Village Hall committee.
12. To discuss & resolve on repair to bus stop roof: Resolved to accept quote for £1186 to refelt and reroof.
13. To discuss repair to lychgate seats: The clerk advised council that under s8(1)(i) of the Local Government Act 1894 parish councils are prohibited from giving financial support relating to the church, its buildings or property. Cllr Bedford informed council that Brocklesby Estae will repair at some point.
14. To discuss general footpath maintenance: Footpaths are overgrown at Swallow crossroads and Grasby Road. Although the responsibility of LCC it is unlikely they will take any action given budget constraints. Therefore the chairman suggested the grass contractor be approached to quote for cutting back. Council agreed and clerk to seek quote from AJ Williams. agenda
The meeting closed at 8.32pm