September 2024


Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 4th September 2024 at 7pm in the Village Hall.

Present: Cllrs S. Hudson (Chairman); J Hoyle, T. Robinson and S. Bedford.

In attendance: District Cllrs O. Bierley and A. Lawrence; Cty Cllr T. Smith; the Clerk and new clerk.


1.  Co-option of councillor: No interest.

2. Apologies for absence and reasons given: S. Christmas, B. Moor apologies accepted. C. Reed.

3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011: None 

4. To approve the Minutes of the last meeting held on 3rd July 2024: The minutes were signed as a true record. 

5. Chairman & Council's comments: The chairman commented on the proposed high voltage transmission from Grimsby to Walpole, details of which had been circulated to councillors. He has responded as a private individual as no response had been received from fellow councillors. Recent fly tipping on the A18 has been reported on numerous occasions but cannot be removed without traffic management as it is on a dangerous bend. The footpath to the Mausoleum lodge and entrance to the Woods property is overgrown. Cllr Bedford said this is to be cleared.


6.  Clerk's Report on matters outstanding: Following request for new pads and battery for the defibrillator from Cllr Moor, the clerk had placed an order with LIVES. However, this unit is discontinued and replacement equipment is becoming hard to source. West Lindsey officers in the meantime have replaced the pads and battery on loan under their defibrillator scheme and have suggested Great Limber joins the scheme at an annual maintenance cost of £106. Council to discuss at next meeting agenda    


7. LCC Report: Cllr Smith informed council that request for a traffic survey be undertaken by LRSP has been rejected as one was undertaken a year ago.  


8. WLDC Report: Cllr Bierley's report was circulated prior to the meeting. He informed council about planning issues in the district and that the budget consultation will take place later this year. The chairman asked about the use of thermal cameras to detect heat loss in homes. This is available to all in the district. A new indoor food waste container is to be introduced and will start in April 2025 for businesses, 2026 for households.


9. Finance: to approve accounts:

Accounts for payment: Resolved to pay: H Pitman £602.32; AJ Williams £936; LALC £92.88.


10. Planning: To comment on any applications received: None.


11 Update on highways issues: Cllr Christmas has raised concerns re speeding vehicles on A18 and has carried out traffic monitoring with Keelby councillors. Only four vehicles were doing over 35 miles per hour. The chairman asked that council discuss purchase of a new flashing speed indicator sign at the next meeting. Agenda


12.  To discuss & resolve on funding request from the parish church: Cllr Hoyle had submitted paperwork prior to meeting and gave council an update on the church finances. Council resolved to award £1000. The chairman also informed council about the overgrown state of the churchyard and asked whether council might contribute to the cost of £1800 for clearance. However, Cllr Hoyle said he would assess it and report back to council at next meeting.  Agenda


13. To resolve on repainting/reglazing of the telephone box library: Council agreed this needed to be done, together with replacement of shelving. Chairman to seek quotes for next meeting. agenda


14. To discuss replacement of bench in the play area:  Council agreed to replace with recycled bench. 


15. To move into closed session to discuss employment terms of the new clerk: Resolved to appoint at SCP11 rate. To commence employment on 1st November 2024.


            The meeting closed at 8.10pm