Annual Parish Meeting


Minutes of the annual parish meeting held on Wednesday, 1st May 2024 at 7pm in the Village Hall.

Present: S. Hudson (Chairman); B Moor; T. Robinson; S. Christmas; J. Hoyle; C. Read & T. O’Mara; B. Potterton.

In attendance: District Cllr O. Bierley ; the Clerk.

Apologies: None.


To approve the Minutes of the last meeting held on 10th May 2023: The minutes were signed as a true record.


Chairman's report: Over the last year council has continued with its regular activities of pond maintenance which is in good order and the grass contractor is doing an excellent job.  There has been no progress with the review of the Conservation Area which is seen as low priority. And no progress with the bus service. However there has been an online survey by LCC re bus services in the county and hopefully all have filled it in.  There has been a meeting with the estate re development but no change and likewise the request for a one way system on Church Lane has been rejected by LCC.

The orchard project is now complete and is looking good. This was enabled by a grant from WLDC for the fencing and thanks goes to Cllr Hoyle for overseeing the project.

Thanks go to Cllr Christmas who has now completed one year’s service and to Cllr Robinson who has delayed his resignation for another year. Also to Helen who will be retiring at the end of the year for her excellent support. 

The chairman then mentioned projects achieved over the last few years and a list of future possible projects.


Responsible Financial Officer's Report: Income for the year totalled £14,089.80 which included the precept figure of £10,500. And a grant of £500 towards pond maintenance from WLDC. Expenditure was £12,757.98: £4,020.52 of which was for the community orchard However, a grant of £3365 from WLDC towards the project is still awaited.

Village maintenance ie grass cutting and pond maintenance continue to be the largest expense but council is keen to keep the village looking tidy.

A grant of £228 was made to the Village Hall committee for waste management. VAT of £1,248.40is to be reclaimed. Therefore the actual sum brought forward to this financial year is £7,207.21.


Open meeting: Cllr Bierley thanked the council for its tireless work and reminded them that Great Limber still holds the Council of the Year award. Council really punches above its weight and the work does not go unnoticed.  


There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.13pm.