Minutes January 2019


Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 2nd January 2019 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Present: Cllrs S. Hudson (Chairman); S. Howdin and J. Hoyle

In attendance: District Cllrs O. Bierley & A. Lawrence; the Clerk.

1. Apologies for absence and reasons given: Cllrs N. Hunton, T. Robinson; C. Read & S. Bedford.

2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011: None

3. To approve the Minutes of the last meeting held on 7th November 2018: The minutes were

signed as a true record.

4. Chairman & Council's comments: The chairman informed council that despite advertisements for

the vacancy of councillor on the notice board, website and in the newsletter no one has come

forward for co-option.

5. Clerk's Report on matters outstanding: The clerk informed council that she has spoken with

Graeme Butler at Lincs Road Safety Partnership about the 30mph speed reduction and is awaiting

contact from the officer dealing with implementation. In the meantime council ask that she contact

Jeanne Gibson as no scheme has been put before to council as yet. The dates for the next year's

meetings were agreed.

6. LCC Report: Cllr Turner was absent from the meeting so no report was received.

7. WLDC Report: Cllr Bierley's report was circulated prior to the meeting. West Lindsey Citizen's

awards have been brought forward in the calendar year and nominations need to be submitted by

the end of January. West Lindsey will send out invitations to residents to resubscribe to the green

bin scheme. The cost will remain the same. Councillors were reminded of the meeting at the

Guildhall on Monday 25th February for all those interested in standing for re-election in May.

8. Planning: To comment on any applications received: No outstanding applications for consultation

or decisions from WLDC to report.

9. Finance: Accounts for payment: Resolved to pay: H Pitman £474.36 Great Limber Village Hall

£21.00; Creative Nature £1048 (VAT element only).

The clerk confirmed that VAT totalling £5521.40 was paid into the account on 8th November and

that the balance as at 10th December was £13,611.53. As the carried forward figure this year is likely

to be over that recommended by Audit Regulations ie 3-12 months expenditure, It was agreed that

projects be discussed at the next meeting thus allowing the excess to be placed in earmarked


The Precept upon the Charging Authority form was duly signed.

10. To discuss & resolve on any matters relating to the pond project: The chairman confirmed that

work on the project is 90% complete with only sculpting of the tree stump and the interpretation

board still outstanding. The clerk informed council that she has met with Ben to discuss these items

as, in order for them to be added to the WREN grant, a quotation for the work is needed. This has

not been forthcoming so she will chase. The clerk confirmed that she has submitted two reports to

WREN and requested payment of invoices for the tree work and duck island. She will complete a

further report to WREN later this week together with request for payment of £19,307 net. Wording

for the interpretation board is still to be agreed, as is the date of the publicity event but these will be

discussed with Cllr Hunton on his return. Council agreed an event with a village litter pick would be a

good idea, the date to be agreed at the next meeting. 

11. To discuss hedge cutting in the parish: Cllr Bedford had circulated an update in his absence

regarding the estate's plans. The chairman confirmed that a start has been made with considerable

trimming and lopping of trees. The trimmings need clearing but councillors felt the larger pieces

may well be removed by villagers and that the work is a great improvement.

12. Update on Speed Indicating Device: The chairman informed council that Lincs Road Safety

Partnership has advised ordering the device whilst the application for siting is with LCC street

lighting. Once approval is given the chairman intends to site the device on Brickyard first.

13. To further discuss use of social media by the parish council: Cllr Hoyle proposed that a

Facebook account be set up as this would be the most effective method of communication. This was

agreed. Known as "Great Limber Parish Council" the account will be run by Cllr Hoyle purely for

council business. He intends to post two to three items after every meeting to inform residents of

the most topical discussions. This month's posts will be an update on the pond/village clean up,

green bins and the council vacancy.

The meeting closed at 8.20pm