Minutes July 2019


Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 3rd July 2019 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Present: Cllrs S. Hudson (Chairman); S. Howdin, N. Hunton, T. Robinson, C. Read and S. Bedford.

In attendance: District Cllrs A. Lawrence & O. Bierley; the Clerk.

1 Apologies for absence and reasons given: Cllr J. Hoyle. Absence approved by council.

2. Co-option of Councillor: There has been a vacancy now for almost a year and despite various

attempts recruitment has proved difficult. Applicants are asked to send a letter of interest to the

clerk in the first instance and attend a subsequent meeting. Council agreed if it cannot co-opt that

the number of councillors be reduced to seven as is the case with most other small parish councils.

The clerk to approach the West Lindsey Electoral Officer to see whether this is an option.

3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011: None

4. To approve the Minutes of the last meeting held on 8th May 2019: The minutes were signed as a

true record.

5. Chairman & Council's comments: The chairman and Cllr Hoyle attended the commemoration

service for Samuel Needham. It was well attended and the reception was good. The chairman and

Cllrs Howdin and Hunton received the West Lindsey Council of the Year award from West Lindsey

Dictrict Council on behalf of the council. The chairman informed council that the certificate is

displayed in the village Hall but suggestions are needed as to where to permanently display the

trophy. The Speed Indicating Device (SID) has been on the Keelby end of A18 for three weeks and

has now been moved to the other end. The chairman once again raised the option of buying a hand

held device. To be discussed at the next meeting.

The clerk confirmed there has still been no date from highways regarding consultation on the speed

reduction and was asked to contact them again to ascertain progress and copy in Andy Gutherson

and Cllr Richard Davies.

Pothole near Post Office and pub has been reported by the clerk.

6. Clerk's Report on matters outstanding: The clerk confirmed that the WREN grant has now been

signed off and the invoices for the pond project are all paid.

PKF Littlejohn, the external auditor, has accepted council's Certificate of Exemption and all accounts

and audit papers are now on the website to view in line with audit regulations.

7. LCC Report: Cllr Turner had sent his apologies and had nothing to report.

8. WLDC Report: Cllr Bierley's report was circulated prior to the meeting. Both he and Cllr Lawrence

expressed congratulations to council on its award. The Local Councillor Initiative award has been

reintroduced. As has the West Lindsey match funding scheme. There is also a new feasibility fund for

businesses up to £5,000. Cllr Bierley said that local government funding is still very uncertain and

asked that councillors support the Rural Services Network's call for central government to provide a

funded rural strategy by signing the online petition. A review of the Central Lincs Local Plan is

underway although no changes to Great Limber are proposed. Review of the extension to the Area

of Outstanding Natural Beauty is due in the autumn.

9. Planning: None

10. Finance: Accounts for payment: Resolved to pay: H Pitman £460.02; Great Limber Village Hall

£33.00; Information Commissioner £40.00; BH Potterton £800.00; WLDC (election costs) £115.57.

Council agreed to close the projects account and transfer the balance of ££1.89 to the current


11. To discuss further enhancement of the pond area and resolve on any matters relating to this:

Discussion took place regarding the options of improvements to the footpath and lighting and

quotes were given for both. Council resolved to accept the quote for the footpath improvements of

£6750 to be funded by grants. Proposed, Cllr Hudson. Seconded, Cllr Robinson. The applications to

be worked on jointly by Cllr Hunton and the clerk. It was agreed that installation of lighting be


The chairman raised concerns regarding the condition of the pond and it was agreed that a meeting

be called with the contractor to discuss. Also a maintenance programme needs to be drawn up to

keep the pond in good condition and needs to be included in the council's budget.

It was agreed that the official event be held prior to the next council meeting on Wednesday 4th

September at 6pm. The clerk to send out invitations to dignatories and press. Cllr Hoyle to advertise

on Facebook.

The meeting closed at 8.55pm