Minutes May 2019


Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 8th May 2019 after the annual parish meeting in the

Village Hall.

Present: Cllrs S. Hudson (Chairman); S. Howdin, N. Hunton, T. Robinson, and S. Bedford.

In attendance: District Cllrs A. Lawrence & O. Bierley; County Cllr A. Turner; the Clerk.

1. To elect a chairman: S. Hudson. Proposed, Cllr Hunton. Seconded, Cllr Howdin. Elected

2. Apologies for absence and reasons given: Cllrs C. Read & J. Hoyle.

3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011: None

4. To elect a vice chairman: N. Hunton. Proposed, Cllr Robinson. Seconded, Cllr Bedford. Elected.

5. To approve the Minutes of the last meeting held on 6th March 2019: The minutes were signed as

a true record.

6. Chairman & Council's comments: Regarding co-option, Cllr Hunton asked why this parish had

eight councillors when those of a similar size had only seven. The chairman stated that it was proving

very difficult to fill the vacancy despite advertising it for many months and speaking with

parishioners. The clerk confirmed that West Lindsey could be asked to look at a reduction. Council

agreed to agenda this at the next meeting.

7. Clerk's Report on matters outstanding: Information was now forthcoming from West Lindsey

regarding the Victoria Cross Paving Stone Commemoration in the parish church. The chairman will

attend the event on Saturday 8th June at 11am. Other councillors to notify clerk if wishing to attend.

Notification has been received from the district council that Great Limber Parish Council has been

awarded the West Lindsey annual shield having achieved the most of all parish councils in the

district and contributed the most to the community. The chairman and Cllrs Hunton and Howdin are

to receive the trophy on behalf of the council at the Guildhall on 20th May. Council agreed that it

had achieved a lot over the past year and Cllr Hunton said that everyone had contributed to this


8. LCC Report: Cllr Turner had nothing to report but was updated on the slow progress regarding the

speed reduction. Council was disappointed at the negative response from the senior officer

regarding a meeting to discuss highways issues despite a very comprehensive report from Cllr Hoyle

on the problems that exist. Cllr Turner asked for any inaction to be reported to him.

9. WLDC Report: Cllr Bierley's report was circulated prior to the meeting. Both he and Cllr Lawrence

expressed congratulations to all councillors on their re-election which was reciprocated. Council was

urged to support the new funding formula for rural areas. Cllrs Bierley and Lawrence are working on

the review of designated landscapes and the case for extending the Wolds Area of Outstanding

Natural Beauty. There is huge tourism potential and the clerk offered to assist should delegates

accept West Lindsey's invitation to visit.

10. Finance: to approve accounts and Annual Return for the year ended 31 March 2019

a) Execute Annual Governance Statement: Executed and duly signed.

b) To approve Statement of Accounts: Approved and duly signed.

c) Execute Certificate of Exemption: Executed and duly signed.

d) Execute Review of effectiveness of internal audit: The report from Cassells, internal auditor, was

given to council which stated no areas of concern. Executed.

Accounts for payment: Resolved to pay: H Pitman £506.07; Great Limber Village Hall £22.00;

Cassells Ltd £72.00; Unipart Dorman £358.80; Creative Nature £436.00 (VAT element only).

11. Renewal of insurance policy and review inventory of assets: Assets to include addition of three

benches; interpretation board and tree carving as part of the pond project and the speed indicating

device. These are now added to the insurance policy. Council agreed renewal with Zurich Municipal

at a cost of ££454.72.

12. To review standing orders and financial regulations: Reviewed

13. Planning: To comment on any applications received: Council has no objections/comments on

application numbers 139185 at Limber Hill Farm and 139352 at Pimlico Farm. Cllr Bedford explained

the planning application and misunderstanding on the address. The lagoon will reduce tanker

movements in the village.

14. To discuss & resolve on any matters relating to the pond project: Cllr Hunton reported that the

project is now complete and all are very happy with the end result. It was agreed that he work with

the clerk to organise a promotional event to take place in July.

15. Update on Speed Indicating Device: The chairman informed council that the equipment was

installed six weeks ago and has been moved around the village. The unit is now on Grimsby Road but

will move to A18 by the end of the month.

16. To resolve on annual subscription to LIVES and continued donation to the parish magazine:

Donation to parish magazine: £100. Proposed, Cllr Hudson. Seconded, Cllr Hunton. LIVES: £80.

Proposed, Cllr Howdin. Seconded, Cllr Hunton.

17. To discuss & resolve on improvement to footpath to enhance pond project: It was agreed to

look at a new project to include footpath improvements, street lamp and further enhancement of

the pond area. Cllr Hunton agreed to approach grant funding schemes and report back to council.


The meeting closed at 9.15pm