Minutes September 2019


Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 4th September 2019 at 7.05pm in the Village Hall.

Present: Cllrs S. Hudson (Chairman); S. Howdin, N. Hunton, T. Robinson, C. Read and S. Bedford.

In attendance: District Cllrs A. Lawrence & O. Bierley; the Clerk.

1 Apologies for absence and reasons given: Cllr J. Hoyle. Absence approved by council.

2. Co-option of Councillor: There being no candidates the clerk had contacted West Lindsey Senior

Elections Officer who had advised how to request a reduction in council members. Council agreed

not to pursue at the present time.

3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011: None

4. To approve the Minutes of the last meeting held on 3rd July 2019: The minutes were signed as a

true record.

5. Chairman & Council's comments: The chairman expressed his opinion that the police reports

received are of little use as there is no reference to recent incidents in Great Limber. LCC has

informed council that no action is to be taken on the pothole near Post Office which is disappointing.

Discussion took place regarding the need for an annual inspection on the play equipment and the

clerk was tasked with arranging this.

6. Clerk's Report on matters outstanding: The clerk confirmed that the Mondegreen grant and

West Lindsey match funding are now secured and the acceptances were signed. Cllr Hunton

confirmed that ProPave will commence work this month and a decision was made regarding the

colour of the paving.

7. LCC Report: Cllr Turner was not present.

8. WLDC Report: Cllr Bierley's report was circulated prior to the meeting. He has a liaison meeting

with Lincs Police and will report back comments made earlier on the police reports. Devolution for

Lincolnshire is back on the agenda but is at a very early stage. The chairman thanked West Lindsey

for the match funding grants received for the pond projects. The offer of litter picking equipment for

communities to keep will be discussed at the next meeting. Agenda

9. Planning: None

10. Finance: Accounts for payment: Resolved to pay: H Pitman £458.52; Great Limber Village Hall

£22.00; BH Potterton £400.00. The clerk confirmed VAT has been reclaimed and this is included in

the balance of £11,121.51 as at 9th August.

11. To discuss purchase of a hand held speed device: The chairman informed council that the

introduction of the speed indicating device (SID) in the village has had more effect in some areas

than others and that a hand held device would allow use anywhere in the parish. Council resolved to

purchase one device at a cost of £229 but deferred placing the order until the clerk has clarified how

the system works with Lincs Road Safety Partnership (LRSP). 

12. To discuss & resolve on ecological improvements to the village pond and introduction of a

vegetation management programme: The chair and vice chair have met with Ben from Creative

Nature regarding treatment of invasive rushes and the need for an annual management programme.

Council considered the quote and questioned the cost of transporting and tipping of the green

waste. Cllr Robinson is happy to dispose of this so Cllr Hunton will speak with Ben to confirm the

reduced cost for transportation only. Otherwise council resolved to accept the quote and proceed

with the programme for this year. The annual cost of c£1000 will need to be factored in to council's

annual budget.

13. To resolve on response to LCC proposals for reduction of speed limit on A18 and need for a one

way system on Church Lane: Discussion took place regarding the proposed scheme and consensus

was that council is in agreement with Cllr Bierley's previous response ie the 40mph needs to be

extended further out of the village and the 30mph to include the bends where there is a high ratio of

accidents. The clerk to draft a response for circulation to council prior to submission to LCC


Regarding the issue of Church Lane, council resolved that a one way system is needed due to the

increased traffic on the A18 and asked the clerk to submit a separate proposal to Highways for


The meeting closed at 8.35pm