September 2023


Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 6th September 2023 at 7pm in the Village Hall.

Present: Cllrs S. Hudson (Chairman); S. Christmas, B. Moor, T. Robinson, S. Bedford and C. Read.

In attendance: District Cllrs O. Bierley & A. Lawrence; the Clerk.


1. Co-option of councillor: No interest.

2. Apologies for absence and reasons given:  J Hoyle. Accepted.

3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011: None 

4. To approve the Minutes of the last meeting held on 5th July 2023: The minutes were signed as a true record. 

5. Chairman & Council's comments: The chairman informed council that the village hall waste bin is now in use; vehicles outside house on Brickyard have now been removed; there has been no feedback from councillors re LCC consultation on right to roam so will not pursue; chairman has completed recent LCC survey as an individual. Cllr Christmas said that she felt survey was pretty irrelevant. She again raised concern re excessive speeding in 30mph limit and it was agreed the clerk would request that LRSP conduct a speed check.


6.  Clerk's Report on matters outstanding: New pads for the defibrillator have been returned to LIVES as not needed yet.


7. LCC Report: Cllr Smith absent from meeting.  


8. WLDC Report: Cllr Bierley's report was circulated prior to the meeting. No major issues except the fly tipping in the area which is posing costly problems for land owners, particularly Brocklesby Estate.  


9. Finance: Accounts for payment: Resolved to pay: H Pitman £570.94; Wicksteed Leisure £158.40; Great Limber Village Hall £228; AJ Williams £672.


10. Planning: To comment on any applications received: None.


11. Update on highways issues: Chairman confirmed LCC is assessing the request for one way traffic on Church Lane.


12. To discuss community orchard & resolve on costings: As estate manager, Cllr Read confirmed Brocklesby Estate’s agreement for land to be used as orchard and stated the area would be cleared in the autumn. In Cllr Hoyle’s absence, the chairman confirmed that there is a lot of interest in the village for the project and dedication of trees to loved ones, which should help reduce cost. Money could also be dedicated to benches/picnic table. Council agreed to request quotations to erect fencing around the area. Clerk to seek for next meeting. Agenda


13. To further discuss & resolve a long term solution to pond blanket weed problem:  The chairman has spoken with Creative Nature. There have been less treatments this year and lots of rain which has meant the problem has not been as bad as in previous years. He had also been assured that the chemical treatment is the equivalent of the barley straw method. Ultrasonic sound is another solution but this requires a power supply. Cllr Read suggested the physical removal of the blanket weed in the winter and this was agreed by council. Clerk to request quotes. Agenda


14. To discuss & resolve on whether to support national effort to protect Neighbourhood Plans:

Resolved not to support.                                                                                             


                                    The meeting closed at 8.50pm