Minutes September 2020


Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 2nd September 2020 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall.

Present: Cllrs S. Hudson (Chairman), N. Hunton, T. Robinson, S. Howdin, B. Moore and J. Hoyle.

In attendance: the Clerk.


1   Apologies for absence and reasons given: Cllrs S. Bedford and C. Read. 

2.  To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011: None 

3. To approve the Minutes of the last meeting held on 8th July 2020: The minutes were signed as a true record.

4. Chairman & Council's comments: The chairman advised that the newsletter has a new compiler. This will now be produced electronically every two months with paper copies available at the shop. As council only meets six times a year the chairman wished it to be noted that he considers it preferable to move a meeting to another date rather than to cancel. He thanked Cllr Bierley for organising a new dog bin on Grasby Road so speedily.

5. Clerk's Report on matters outstanding: The clerk informed council that she has received letters of thanks for recent donations to Marie Curie and LIVES.

6. LCC Report: Cllr Turner was not present. Concern was raised regarding lack of representation of the north Wolds parishes at Lincolnshire County Council which has been the case for some time now.  

7. WLDC Report: Cllr Bierley's report was circulated prior to the meeting. West Lindsey District Council is launching a defibrillator maintenance scheme at a cost of £100 per annum. More information will be available shortly. The new waste collection scheme has been delayed due to Covid and is unlikely to commence before Spring 2022. It was agreed that a Keep Britain Tidy event would be organised in the village to be held on Saturday 26th September between 10am and noon. Following information from Cllr Bierley regarding alteration to the local bus, the clerk was asked to write a letter of representation regarding the loss of the service .

8 Planning: None.

9. Finance: Accounts for payment: Resolved to pay: H Pitman £530.53; BH Potterton £460; Kingfisher Ltd £20.40. Bank balance as at 10th August £13,162.39 which includes £457 reclamation of VAT.

10. To further discuss production of a local history project for Great Limber: Cllr Hoyle had circulated a detailed proposal with costings prior to the meeting. Discussion took place and it was resolved that research should start at a maximum cost of £500 to be borne by council. Grant funding for the interpretation boards be sought once further quotes have been obtained. 

11. To further discuss vehicles parked on grass verge at Brickyard: The chairman has contacted the parishioner regarding their removal and received a similar response to a previous conversation some four years ago. LCC as owners of the land will not take action to force removal. 

12. To discuss maintenance of the village pond:  Cllr Hunton has spoken with the contractor who is happy with the pond's condition following introduction of the fish. Creative Nature will make recommendations and quote to tidy for next meeting.

13. To discuss the footpath and grass cutting contract in the parish:   The current contractors are retiring imminently but have agreed to continue until the end of the season. A new contractor is to be sought with additional work to be included. A job specification is to be drawn up for circulation to prospective contractors. To be approved at the next meeting.

14. To discuss the 30mph speed reduction: The chairman has contacted Jeanne Gibson at highways again with the response being that the original proposal will be put to committee once again at the 7th September meeting. 

15. To discuss the DF11 speed monitor: Council resolved to purchase a new battery pack which includes service of the machine at a cost of £343.87.


The meeting closed at 8.50pm