Minutes January 2020


Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 8th January 2020 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. 

Present: Cllrs S. Hudson (Chairman); S. Howdin, C. Read and J. Hoyle. 

In attendance: the Clerk. 

1 Apologies for absence and reasons given: Cllrs N. Hunton, T. Robinson, S. Bedford. 

2. Co-option of Councillor: No applicants. Review next May. 

3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011: None 

4. To approve the Minutes of the last meeting held on 6th November 2019: The minutes were signed as a true record. 

5. To further discuss lack of progress on reduction of the speed limit on A18: The chairman stated that this has been ongoing now for four to five years. Having spoken with an LCC officer he has been made aware that committee will meet next week to discuss the revised proposals put forward by the parish council but that LCC are not in favour and officers will resubmit the same scheme as before. If the LCC scheme is accepted it will be out for reconsultation. According to the officer any further objections will be over ruled by LCC and will protract the scheme even more. 

The chairman asked whether council should accept this even though it is not what is wanted. Councillors are unhappy. However, it was unanimously agreed that something is better than nothing and that a response of no objections be sent by the clerk when reconsultation takes place. 

Council feels it will be one step in the right direction and further lobbying of LCC may take place in future to arrive at the preferred option. 

6. Chairman & Council's comments: The chairman asked the clerk to supply dates of the meetings for 2020. 

7. Clerk's Report on matters outstanding: The clerk confirmed that the Mondegreen grant has been paid and all is now complete on the project. All agreed that the new pavement looks good. 

The final cheque for the pond project has been reissued as discussed at the last meeting. 

8. LCC Report: Cllr Turner was not present. 

9. WLDC Report: Cllr Bierley's report was circulated prior to the meeting and nothing further was discussed in his absence. 

10. Planning: None 

11. Finance: Accounts for payment: Resolved to pay: H Pitman £459:44; Great Limber Village Hall 

£22; Wicksteed £54. 

The Precept upon the Charging Authority form was duly signed. 

12. To discuss future projects and aspirations for the parish: Cllr Hoyle suggested that residents be encouraged to plant new trees and suggested the village hall gates would be improved by repainting. Council agreed that the village hall committee be approached with the offer to pay for this work. 

13. Update from Cllr Hoyle on footpaths and broadband speed: Cllr Hoyle has had discussions with Brocklesby Estates regarding creation of permissive rights footpaths. However the estate is not in favour so there is little point in progressing the matter.

Cllr Hoyle together with three other Brickyard residents have met with an officer from West Lindsey to discuss the possibility of improved broadband speed. However, no assistance can be given at this time. 

14. To review the safety inspection of the play area undertaken December 2019: The clerk confirmed that nothing major had been identified and it was agreed that the items listed for attention be looked at during the village tidy up in the spring. Council confirmed the date as Saturday, 14th March. 

Cllr Read raised the matter of ownership of the play area and questioned whether the parish council should be paying for safety inspections, repairs and insurance when the site is in the ownership of the village hall committee. The clerk suggested that a meeting be held with the committee to agree lines of responsibility moving forward, given the cost implications this could have. 

The meeting closed at 8.35pm