Find out how to get support with paying your bills or help when your water is cut off.
As the cost-of-living crisis is affecting many of us, it’s more important than ever that people who need help paying their bills are being supported.
Anglian Water’s specially-trained Extra Care support team can create personalised payment plans to help your parishioners budget, give them some breathing space if they need some extra time to pay, as well as guide them towards other help and benefits available.
With different tariff options, your parishioners could be eligible for a discount of up to 50% on their water charges, depending on their situation.
Anglian Water’s Priority Services Register is in place to help lots of people with different needs and is completely free. By signing up, Anglian Water can:
· Prioritise their needs if there’s an interruption to customers water supply
· Help protect customers against bogus callers
· Communicate in different languages, including British Sign Language
· Send bills in alternative formats, including large print, audio and braille
· Knock and wait, giving customers longer to get to the door