November 2021


Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 3rd November 2021 at 7pm in the Village Hall.

Present: Cllrs S. Hudson (Chairman); S. Howdin, T. Robinson, C. Read, J Hoyle.

In attendance: District Cllrs O. Bierley & A. Lawrence; County Cllr T. Smith; the Clerk.


1. Apologies for absence and reasons given: Cllrs B. Moor, N. Hunton and S. Bedford. Apologies accepted.

2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011: None 

3. To approve the Minutes of the last meetings held on 1st September: The minutes were signed as a true record.

4. Chairman & Council's comments: The chairman informed council that the defibrillator had been out of use for some time but new pads have been installed and it is now fully functioning. The Village Hall committee has given notice that parish council meetings held in the hall will now be free of charge. 


5.  Clerk's Report on matters outstanding: The clerk informed council of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons celebration on 2nd June 2022. Council will look further at this at next meeting but a site will be needed to hold the event.


6. LCC Report: Cllr T Smith reported that the issue with the bus service is still ongoing. LCC is not willing to budge but he is working with fellow district councillors to try to resolve. Cllr Read reported dangerous potholes at Audleby Top. These will be reported by both the clerk and Cllr Smith.


7. WLDC Report: Cllr Bierley's report was circulated prior to the meeting. The chairman thanked him for arranging the street sweeper in the village. Cllr Bierley confirmed a meeting had been held with Stagecoach regarding withdrawal of the bus service. No change from them but dialogue is ongoing and another meeting is planned before Christmas. 

West Lindsey has adopted a new Code of Conduct and is asking parish councils to consider adopting it too. The district council is increasing the cost of green bins to £39 wef next financial year. It also resolved to roll out the new purple bins to recycle paper and cardboard. WLDC has been awarded money from the Levelling Up fund. This will bring forward investment in Gainsborough but there will be a knock on effect for the whole district. 

Central Lincs Local Plan approval of submission draft for the second round of consultation in March 2022. The number of instances of fly tipping is reducing but is still higher than before the pandemic.


8. Finance: to approve accounts:

Accounts for payment: Resolved to pay: H Pitman £552.36; Glendale £1316.40; Creative Nature £1440; Wicksteed £72.


9. Planning: To comment on any applications received: None.


10. To elect a vice chairman: Cllr Moor. Proposed, Cllr Hudson. Seconded, Cllr Hoyle. Elected.


11. To discuss & resolve on any matters relating to the local history project: Cllr Hoyle had circulated information to councillors prior to the meeting. Councillors resolved to approve the graphics for the interpretation boards and to pay The Forge £825 for the work from the £1K already assigned to the project. 

A further £3283 is needed to complete the project. Discussion took place and council resolved to award 50% of this out of reserves, with the remaining 50% to be sought from the West Lindsey Match Funding scheme. The clerk will apply for this but permission from LCC needs to be sought prior to the grant application being submitted.


12. To discuss grass cutting in the village & resolve on tender for next year: Problems have arisen throughout the grass cutting season. Council is of the opinion that the quality of the work is acceptable but Glendale are not reliable. Therefore it was agreed to award the contract to another company.

Council resolved to appoint AJ Williams at a cost of £140 per cut.                                                                        


13.  To discuss maintenance of the village pond & resolve on any issues arising: Discussion took place regarding the need for weed control in 2022. The consensus of opinion was that it be undertaken again in 2022 but to start the programme earlier and review in next year’s budget whether to continue. To include cost of this and annual maintenance in the budget.


14. To discuss projects for the next financial year: The chairman suggested weed/grass control on some of the footpaths which can be undertaken by the new grass contractor. However in the first instance LCC will be approached as it is their responsibility. Cleaning of the gulleys will also be requested.

Installation of flower boxes and planting of trees were both discussed. However, the former will need volunteers to manage which council does not have at present and the latter requires land which the parish council does not own. It was agreed that maintenance for both projects could be costly and the idea was shelved for the present time.


15. To discuss & resolve on budget and precept for 2022/23: The clerk had prepared the budget which was accepted by council. 

To increase the precept to £10,000. Proposed, Cllr Read. Seconded, Cllr Hoyle. Resolved unanimous.  

                  The meeting closed at 7.56pm